Note: The three BEST CD’s to loan out and use for this technique (my opinion in order of importance but experiment for yourself) are:
The Best of Dead Doctors Don’t Lie CD by Dr. Joel Wallach
Who Made MD’s King by Dr. Peter Glidden
Healing is Easy by Dr. Peter Glidden
All three are available for purchase at a very resonable rate at the above site.
The method above will get you growing and earning fast while you learn to develop your business expertise in Youngevity. The more you do it the faster you will grow so use them and pass them on to your new reps for duplication. They are tried and true, proven basic method for successfully sharing the Youngevity message, products and business fast!
Subscribe to the Youngevity Company Newsletter
Go to and click the link to subscribe to the company newsletter in the upper left corner of the main web page. It’s important to know what’s going on with the company. The newsletter keeps you informed on all events, trainings, calls, new products, business tools, changes, policies, special incentives, trips etc. This is your lifeline to everything happening in the Youngevity business… YOUR BUSINESS! Get plugged in now!
Learn To Use Your Youngevity Back Office
Press Ctrl+C to copy the embed code to clipboard
For best result, make this video full screen (lower right arrows on player above)
Your Youngevity Back Office Login URLs (You can login at any of the following sites):
2. Example: I can login to my back office area through:
3. Example: I can login to my back office area through:
IMPORTANT: Pick your favorite method from the above options and BOOKMARK your back office admin area for permanent reference.
You will use this ALOT to oversee and manage everything about your Youngevity business.
Get Familiar With Your New Youngevity Website (add your photo etc)
Building your Youngevity business can be hard or easy depending on how you go about it. Follow these proven steps to success.
Rule #1:Lead by Example! Use the products and develop/experience your own testimonial. Your people will do as you do, not as you say!If you don’t use and believe in the products you will lack conviction. Then you are simply another salesperson without personal experience and conviction and NOBODY likes a salesperson. BE the example you want others to follow! Youngevity products are Excellent! They actually work. The proof is in the pudding… Thousands of happy customers with life transforming testimonials, unparalleled research and clinical verification regarding safety, quality and purity of ingredients. Use them and become a living testimonial yourself.
Rule #2:Use the KISS Principle. Keep it SIMPLE and DUPLICATE-ABLE. Don’t try to be the expert (even if you you are one). If you try to build your business as an expert… it’s not duplicatable! Feed your prospects information, videos, webinars and 3 way phone calls based on their needs in a simple step by step manner. Don’t overload them. Make sure anyone can do and duplicate what you do!
Rule #3:Don’t Sell… EDUCATE and INFORM, Using the proven Tools!Build VALUE through information. Focus on THEM and THEIR NEEDS, GOALS and DESIRES and ask the right Questions! People sell themselves based on Information, Knowledge based on their needs and desires. Ultimately their experience with Youngevity products and the results they receive will keep them going (provided they are using them correctly). When they see the VALUE in what you share with them, they will sell themselves. Once they use Youngevity products and experience the difference, the rest will come naturally. These really are excellent, life enhancing products. Lead them to the experience. Don’t pressure or try to persuade them with cheesy sales tactics. Care and Share… be persistent without pressure.
Rule #4:Follow a Proven System and Duplicate It Through Others.Find out what others who are successful are doing, what they share in common and DUPLICATE IT. Then teach 4 others to do the same and help them get and teach 4 people to to the same. That’s it. Then support them. Multiply your efforts through others. Don’t try to figure out how to build it yourself. Don’t try to reinvent the wheel. This is one of the main pitfalls that lead to failure in this business. There are proven methods and tools available to you… USE THEM and teach others to use them just like you did. This is the key to your success with Youngevity or any MLM. Also, you can best build your own business by helping others in your downline to build and support theirs.
Use and Share This 8 Steps to Success in Youngevity Training System! It’s FREE, I use it and so should you if you want fast success
Rule #5:Continue to Review, Educate and Inform yourself! Network marketing is really about self development and self improvement. Leaders are Learners. Remember KISS… Keep it SIMPLE and DUPLICATEABLE. Let the tools (cds, videos, DVD’s) do the work for you. Others can duplicate that. If they watch what you do and think “I can’t do that”… they wont! If they watch what you do and think “I can do that”… THEY WILL!
The following links and resources will help you learn to do this business effectively.
Step #1: How to Get Started
Step #2: 8 Steps to Financial Freedom With Youngevity
Download this Complete, Proven Step by Step System for Building Your Youngevity Business. Download the 8 audios (mp3 format) and workbook. Listen to them, apply them, burn them to cds for listening in your car as you commute. You can using a free program like cd burner xp to burn audios to cd’s and videos to DVD’s. Besides, listening (and re-listening) to educational audios as you drive is a common trait of most successful network marketers.
NOTICE: This training program was put together by one of the most successful couples in this business. They have a fast growing highly successful group and they teach… no… INSIST on all their business builder to follow this 8 step program. They use it and their successful business leaders use it… Duplicate it and teach it to your people and you will succeed too! If you don’t use it and you don’t succeed, don’t complain.
Remember, The Key to Success is KEEP IT SIMPLE AND DUPLICATABLE!
The key to success is following a proven system. Don’t try to go it on your own. Keep it SIMPLE and DUPLICATABLE. Use the PROVEN TOOLS
Youngevity Business Training – Todd Smith
Youngevity Product Training – Todd Smith
Another Great Business Training Webinar (click link below to view)
The most important thing you can do as a Network Marketer is develop YOURSELF and Your Own Communication Skills. Learners are earners so educate yourself by reading, watching videos, listening to audios while you drive etc. If you aren’t making money in your company and others are the problem is not the company or the products. It’s YOU! Your either not focused, committed and convinced or your approach, methods and techniques are unproductive and ineffective. LEARN TO DO IT RIGHT. FOLLOW A PROVEN PLAN AND DEVELOP YOUR SKILL SET. Your results will tell you when you have it right. If you are failing to get the message across in a way that works, it doesn’t mean your a failure. It simply means you are doing things incorrectly. Identify the problem and change your approach. Here is some helpful information.
Ice Breakers – Developing Effective Communication Skills
Don’t sell. Educate and inform! based on caring and sharing. Ask questions, get to know people. They will tell you about their problems and needs. Then educate and inform them about how your product can fill those needs. People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. Be sincere. We have products that can seriously improve the physical health and financial well being of the majority of people you know and meet on a daily basis. Use questions to get interest, commitment and allow the prospect to discover and sell themselves by arriving at their own conclusions based on your conviction, sincerity and questions.
Here are some examples.
Continue to Attend trainings, watch training videos and attend webinars and meetings. Review, review, review.. clarify and simplify until you really get it. Then pass it on, DUPLICATE! With Youngevity you have a REAL.. PROVEN opportunity to finally become financially FREE by helping people to improve their health and change their lives for the better. It doesn’t get any better than this my friend. Life on your own terms and leaving behind a legacy of helping others to achieve health, wealth and happiness!
Purchase Marketing CD’s DVD’s Flyers etc
(Best one for initial handout is “Best of Dead Doctors Don’t Lie”, followed by “Who Made MD’s King” them “Healing is Easy” (if necessary).