Eliminating Antagonists From the Diet
According to Dr. Wallach, Dr. Glidden, Dr. Saunders and other Naturopathic Physicians who hold degrees in natural healing through diet, nutrients, herbs and other non invasive procedures and protocols, these are the foods to reduce, avoid or ideally eliminate from your diet for optimal health.
This page doesn’t focus on what TO eat. It focuses on what NOT TO eat. The Youngevity (Dr. Wallach’s) health protocol is basically simple but not always easy to follow for some people. We have gotten into the bad habit of “living to eat” rather than “eating to live” and have allowed the profit driven commercial food industry and their media advertising agencies to tell us what to eat and what’s healthy.
For some people, cleaning up the diet is a progressive process that takes time.
Youngevity Healthy Life Protocol in a Nutshell:
- Consume all 90 essential nutrients in the right quantity for your body weight, according the the body system you desire to nourish, assist and support.
- Eliminate toxic, inflammatory and carcinogenic foods that are gumming up the works (12 bad foods).
- Refine your approach when and if necessary for optimal results.
- Get (and stay) out of the way and let your body do what it does naturally… heal itself!
Dr. Glidden Explains Why the 12 Bad Foods Are Bad

Complete Good Food Bad Food List
Additional References & Videos
Why Gluten is Bad For Our Health – Dr. William Davis MD.
Dr. Davis is a well known cardiovascular MD and author of the book “Wheat Belly” talks about the health hazards of ingesting Gluten and the health benefits of a gluten free diet.
Can Any Body Handle Gluten? Dr. Rodney Ford – Ted Talk
Dr. Rodney Ford, MB. BS. MD. FRACP, is a pioneer in the field of pediatric food allergies reveals that nobody is equipped to digest gluten. Rodney’s philosophy is “diet: not drugs” as he has seen too many people given medications for symptoms without first considering the possibility of food allergy or food intolerance. Rodney has been investigating adverse reactions to gluten for over 20 years and these illnesses have now been labelled “Gluten-related disorders” or Gluten Syndrome, with world-wide evidence accumulating that gluten may not be healthy for us all. Dr. Ford’s current goal is to bring communities up-to-date about the harmful effects of gluten.
Dr. Peter Gliddens Original 10 Bad Foods Presentation (more in depth)
What Makes Soda So Bad For Us?
Additional News Links and References
Scientists Discover Vegetable oil cancer link
Experts say cooking with vegetable oil releases toxic cancer causing chemicals