In order to truly appreciate and understand what makes Youngevity Nutritional products unique and superior you need to become familiar with a couple important foundational factors behind the products.
Note: The two page links below will build the foundation for your understanding of the unique value of our products. The links open in a new tab or window so you wont lose track of this page:
- The Man behind our products: Dr. Joel Wallach
Humanitarian, World Famous Veterinarian, Agriculturalist, Disease Pathologist, Naturopathic Physician with arguably more years of extensive field research related to the effect of nutrition on health than anyone else in the world. His research is partially responsible for doubling the lifespans of animals and reversing hundreds of diseases in animals that still plague human beings. His book “Diseases of Exotic Animals” is in the Smithsonian Institute as a national treasure and part of Veterinarian and Zoologists educational curriculum.(Smithsonian reference here – look under section XII Veterinary Medicine Recommended Reading. There is a red star to the left of the reference highlighting it)Dr. Wallach adapted full spectrum, food based veterinary nutritional formulas to human beings and applied them in a clinical setting for over 20 years with excellent results. Thousands of people all over the world who actually use his formulas, swear by and testify to the life enhancing effects of his nutritional formulations.
- The Company: Youngevity’s Vision, Mission and Purpose
Youngevity’s mission is to heal the world. To put an end to degenerative and chronic disease of all kinds and help people achieve financial independence. Generous Network Marketing structure with built in win/win, people helping people incentives (as opposed to the old “dog eat dog” corporate job structure).
- The Products
– Unique Veterinary Formulas Adapted to Human Beings
– Pure Organic Whole Food Based (whenever possible)
– Comprehensive Full Spectrum Nutrition
(as opposed to fractional or isolated synthetic vitamins)
– Full Array of PLANT BASED Trace Minerals and Micro Nutrients essential to the optimal utilization of major nutrients
(Watch Youngevity trace mineral mine tour here – most other supplements being sold lack these and they are no longer in our soils)
– Highly Absorbable, Bio-Available Formulations
(many are liquid based using a patented “nutri-crystal” structure to ensure potency and stability)
– Most consistently positive actual consumer testimonials when compared to other supplements on the market.
Watch The Mineral Story
Youngevity Core Products Training
Healthy Start Product Webinar
Youngevity Comprehensive Product Training
Audio Catalog 1:
Audio Catalog 2: