There are two levels of business involvement with Youngevity…

- Basic Independent Representative ($25.00)
- CEO Qualified Independent Representative ($499.00)
The difference is SIGNIFICANT. When you qualify yourself as a CEO you unlock the full potential of the compensation plan including Car Bonuses, Cruise Vacations, Coding Bonuses, Fast Start CEO Bonuses, Stock Options, Infinity Bonuses and more. These are additional bonuses that are not available to a basic independent representative. Think of it this way…
An independent Representative is someone who want’s to make part time income with Youngevity, get their supplements paid for by the company and put a few hundred dollars in their pocket a month.
A CEO Qualified Representative is someone who is serious about the business and want’s to build total financial freedom and independence with Youngevity.
It should be the goal of every SERIOUS Youngevity business builder to upgrade themselves to CEO qualified status as soon as possible in order to max out the compensation plan’s full income generating potential and get paid as much as possible as fast as possible. You will still have to do the work, but you will get much more in return for the work you do!
I am CEO qualified. I used my commissions to upgrade to CEO my third month in the business because I understand how the numbers work. I encourage anyone who is serious about doing the business to come in at the CEO level or to upgrade by the time they reach the rank of Regional Marketing Director (I did it in three months). It’s a one time purchase and you get a box of the best selling products.
Youngevity CEO $100 Discount July 2015 – Claim Your Independence
Think $500 is an expensive investment to start your own business?
Consider This… A Franchise would cost you $50,000 to $500,000 and doesn’t provide as much income and time freedom potential as Youngevity’s Network Marketing Business Opportunity does.
Learn more about the real power and potential provided by Network Marketing by Clicking Here
Videos related to the CEO Upgrade and Compensation Benefits
Youngevity Compensation 101 – CEO MegaPack
Intro to the Healthy Start CEO Pack
Notice: You can customize the content of your CEO Pack. Call the company to upgrade.
Give them your Youngevity ID number and ask them for assistance.
To Learn About The Youngevity Business Opportunity CLICK HERE
To Learn All About Youngevity’s Compensation Plan CLICK HERE
For more information contact your sponsor or the person who sent you to this page. If you don’t have a sponsor and would like to join a fast growing group that will provide you with all the training and support you need, call me… Mark Hamilton at (602) 752-0274 for information and assistance.